Don't GROW Weary

Jul 21, 2023 | by Anthony Wade
Have you ever felt discouraged and wanted to give up? Sometimes it can be disappointing to see Christian brothers and sisters around you who may not treat you like the Word teaches. Maybe you have been putting the Lord first and trusting Him to bring the increase in your life and you just haven’t seen it quite yet. If that resonates with you, do I ever have good news for you today!
First, know that this is nothing new in the Body of Christ. Way back in the first century, believers were experiencing this very same thing. In fact, Paul encouraged the Church along these lines several times. One is in 2 Thessalonians 3:13. He boldly urges them to press on by saying, “But you, brethren, be not weary in well doing.” The Amplified says, “do not become weary or lose heart in doing right [but continue in well-doing without weakening].”
What was the context here? The entire chapter is mainly dealing with people that knew God’s will for their lives but weren’t acting right. In fact, these are believers that Paul is describing! In verse six, he tells them to “withdraw yourselves from every brother that walks disorderly.” This isn’t popular teaching these days. Recently, there has been such an amazing emphasis in the Body of Christ on the love of God, our corresponding love for Him, and our love for people. And, by the way, that is a tremendous thing! Unfortunately, people have not rightly divided how to minister to people and be an example of God’s love to them while, at the same time, knowing how to stay on God’s Kingdom path for their lives and not be discouraged by those folks.
I want to make one more connection about this phrase that Paul used. When he wrote to believers in Galatians 6:9, he said, “let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Now, Paul uses the exact same phrase about being “weary in well doing.” But I love one little difference here. He says let US not grow weary. Do you see that? He relates to them and lets them know that this is something that every believer must determine to do! Besides that, he shares another element of not growing weary in well doing. He tells them that “WE will reap, if WE faint not.”
Do you see that?! This is vital to the Kingdom life. When you decide to walk by faith, it must be a long-term commitment. You see, when you decide to enter the Kingdom life, you enter a new system. It is a system that is provided for by the grace of God and is completely… and I mean COMPLETELY… accessed by faith. You don’t sow by faith and reap outside of faith. No, you are in the system and have to allow the system to function how it was intended. And the good news is that this system will work every single time it is put to work.
So, be encouraged by these two elements of “not growing weary in well doing.” First, your course is between you and the Lord. Listen to Him and learn how to walk out your assignment without getting sidetracked by the people on your right and left. And secondly, know that you will reap if you stay steady in the Kingdom. Don’t question it. Just thank God for it and keep moving forward in faith, knowing God loves you enough to see you through the entire journey!