Heroes of the Faith - Joseph

May 17, 2024 | by Anthony Wade
Many men and women have gone before us, placing their faith in God. They trusted Him through various situations and circumstances which not only led to triumph in their lives, but also provided an example for us in our Kingdom journey. Today, we remember the life of Jacob’s son, Joseph.
Oh, how I love to read about Joseph and ponder his story. The twists and turns that he experienced in life almost boggle the mind. He went through some of the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, never backing down from God’s call on his life or compromising who God made him to be. In fact, other than Jesus, I’m not sure there is anyone else in the entire Bible who showed a more tremendous display of godly character and integrity. Here are a few lessons that I have learned from Joseph through the years.
First, it is extremely important to hear from God. In Genesis 37:1-11, we see that Joseph had a dream at the age of seventeen in which God showed him that his brothers would one day bow down to him. They were immediately jealous and hated him more than they already had for being their father’s favorite child. He later had a second dream which angered them even more, although his father pondered the matter (verse 11). Now, perhaps he could have used some more wisdom in how to go about announcing these dreams, but the point is, he was confident that he had heard from God and was excited to tell his family about it. This would be the beginning of a lifetime spent hearing God’s will in his life.
Next, we must always operate with integrity. Joseph’s brothers betrayed him, selling him into slavery and telling their father that he died. Then, his master’s wife tried to seduce him. When he denied her advances, she lied about him to her husband, earning him an undeserved prison sentence. The people who should have appreciated Joseph the most are the ones who let him down the hardest. Yet he never quit doing the right thing and doing it just because it’s right. In Genesis 39:9, when asked to lie with his master’s wife, he said, “How can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?” He wasn’t the least bit concerned about man’s opinion of him; he only wanted to please God. That’s integrity.
It's also vital to stay dependent on God through every season of life. Joseph didn’t merely rely on God for the initial dream at age seventeen. Later, while in prison and at one of his lowest points in life, he was given the chance to explain another set of dreams, and in Genesis 40:8 says, “Do not interpretations belong to God?” Even though he didn’t shy away from doing what God gifted Him to do, he maintained his humility and gave God the glory the entire time. Then, he did the exact same thing in Genesis 41:16, only this time it was in front of Pharaoh’s throne! When asked if he could interpret the king’s dreams, Joseph said, “It is not in me; God will give Pharaoh an answer of peace.” Whether he was starting his journey with God, at his lowest point in jail, or being given the opportunity of a lifetime in front of the king, he stayed dependent on God and gave Him all the honor and glory no matter what.
Lastly, we must forgive everyone in our life who needs it. Notice I didn’t say “who deserves it” or “who asks for it.” Joseph forgave his brothers even though it had been years since they wronged him, and he opened a highway to reconciliation for his entire family line in the process. Always remember that you’ll never go wrong by choosing to offer forgiveness over animosity or a grudge. Offer it freely.
Right in the middle of being sold into slavery, in a moment of great despair, Genesis 39:2 says, “The Lord was with Joseph, and he was a successful and prosperous man.” This tells me that, when it comes down to it, abiding in Christ is all that matters in life. So, as a believer, no matter where you are or what you’re going through, know that the Lord is with you today, making you very prosperous and a great success!
Pastor Anthony