You Cannot Lose If You Do Not Quit

Nov 27, 2019 | by Anthony Wade
Quitters never win and winners never quit. That is an old quote that is most often attributed to the legendary football coach, Vince Lombardi. He certainly knew a thing or two about winning. In fact, he knew a lot about winning. Best known as the head coach of the Green Bay Packers, his five league championships in the seven-year span from 1961 to 1967 is a display of winning that has still not been matched in professional football as of this writing. His famous line isn’t just some nice old quote, though. It actually holds one of life’s great truths and an invaluable key to living the overcoming life.
Although quitters never win, the inverse of that statement is not always true. What I mean is simply this: people who don’t quit, don’t necessarily always win. Look at sports as an example. Some of the world’s greatest athletes lose even though they give it their all and never quit. They may lose due to an inferior play book, weak teammates, or some other random factor. You see, you can make a quality decision in life to not quit, but you can still fail miserably. “How is that?” you may be asking. Well, it all revolves around the source of your decision and who you choose to be on your team.
The Christian’s journey of faith is much like building a house. Choosing to base your life on the Word of God is like building your home on the strongest foundation imaginable. Next, you frame your life’s “house” by declaring God’s Word into your life much like God framed our very universe with His words (Hebrews 11:3). Of course, everyone looks forward to the last step of picking out the carpet and paint colors and seeing the “end of their faith”, but most folks don’t look forward to that third step in building their house. In fact, they often dread it to the point that when it comes time for that step, they quit. And like we already know, quitters never win. That step so many people run from is called PATIENCE.
If you have ever built a house, you will agree that the time period between framing and placing the finishing touches on that home is the longest phase. It is the period that seems like it will never end. Often, it is when you realize that you may be going over schedule or over budget. It can be frustrating. However, you also know how important that phase really is to the integrity of your home. It is where all of the mechanicals, or “guts” of your home, are put into place. After all, what would a house be nowadays without electricity, plumbing, or heating and air conditioning?
Well, this phase in your spiritual building process is no different. It can be very trying and, if I’m being totally transparent, it can absolutely be the toughest thing you may ever go through. But please know that it is also just as important, if not more important in some ways, as building your foundation on the Word or framing your life with words. Why? Because this is the time that is not very exciting. It is when your emotions will fight you and scream at you to quit. The Word tells us, however, that we need to have patience working right alongside our faith for us to ever inherit the promises God has for us (Hebrews 6:12).
Sometimes it is very tiring to keep standing in faith when everything looks like it isn’t working. Like Job in the Bible, you may even have some people in your life who try to tell you that God is your problem and that you should just give up. My friend, let me tell you that God is never the source of your problems in this life (James 1:13). Not only is He NOT your problem, but He is your ONLY answer!
The only way to ever reap the Kingdom rewards your Heavenly Father wants to abound in your life is to not quit (Galatians 6:9). Earlier, I said that people who don’t quit, don’t necessarily always win. While that may be true in things like sports, I have some amazing news for you. You have a playbook called the Word of God that cannot fail and a lineup of all-star teammates in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit who have never lost a game. So, you see, the rest is simply up to you. You cannot lose if you do not quit!
Today’s Word Study: Hebrews 6:10-15