Live Heaven on Earth

    Apr 12, 2024 | by Jennifer Wade

    Today, I want to take all of you more mature Christians back to Kids Church! I taught a lesson not too long ago on walking in the power of the spirit. I walked into a room of Faith Kids dressed in a cape and a superhero mask. Yes, you heard that correctly- a cape and a superhero mask. I told the kids that my name was “SPIRIT MAN” and that unlike other superheroes, my power came from the greatest and most powerful source of them all…The Word of God. We then looked up more than ten scriptures that all had a common word that showed up. That word was STRENGTH. We learned that real strength and power comes from God. He empowers us to do HIS work. When we download His Word into our hearts, His strength makes us strong- kind of like a superhero :)

    Galatians 5:25 states, “Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives.” The Spirit of God is in you right now. You may not feel like it, but He is there and He is speaking to you. We walk in victory by walking in the spirit. We have been given choices and in that comes the choice of what you allow to control you. Are you controlled by what you see or what you hear? 2 Corinthians 5:7 tells us that we are to “walk by faith and not by sight.”  Are you controlled by your emotions and feelings?  Romans 8:5-11 paraphrased tells us that those who come to faith in Christ are described as living according to God's Holy Spirit. We no longer live according to the flesh which means we no longer make decisions based on how we feel.

    I won’t sit here and tell you that this way of living is always easy. But, I will tell you that this way of living is always worth it! One of the most important things you can do as a believer is to get rid of all the things that are slowing you down. To do this, and to walk in the spirit, the things of this natural world have to become small in your heart and mind. At the same time, the things of God need to become bigger.

    Hebrews 12:1-2 tells us how to get rid of the things that are hindering us from walking in the spirit. We must keep our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Take a moment and reflect on what you watch on TV, the reels you watch on your phone, or even the articles you read. Maybe some of these things you should not be watching or reading. It is quite possible these things are weakening your spirit. I encourage you to allow the Holy Spirit to correct and guide you as you continue growing toward walking in the spirit every single day of your life. He wants to help you be separate from the world and to desire the things of God.

    Once you have been able to separate yourself from the world, begin to pray in the spirit. Praying in the spirit is the doorway of opportunity to living an overly abundant life. It strengthens your spirit and enables you to overcome the weaknesses that the flesh offers. It also causes your inner man to see victory in tough circumstances rather than defeat. Praying in the spirit tells us things that we could not know by our own ability. 1 Corinthians 14:2 tells us that God will reveal mysteries to us when we pray in the spirit. The answers that you have been wanting for so long are in those times of prayer!

    Listen to the Holy Spirit! If you begin to separate yourself from the world, stop allowing your flesh to control you, and begin praying in the spirit, you will begin to hear the Lord clearly. He is always speaking to us, but we aren't always capable of hearing when our thoughts and minds are hindered with the things of the world. The answers you have been searching for will be clear. You will begin to live a Spirit-led life of peace, joy, and blessing. You will live Heaven on Earth.

    I pray this encouraged you today. I love and appreciate you all dearly!

    Pastor Jennifer

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