
    May 10, 2024 | by Anthony Wade

    Smile! No, seriously, take a minute and just smile. Make yourself do it if you must, but do it, nonetheless.

    I don’t know why we make life so difficult. Ask anyone about how things are going in their life, and the answer usually starts with a variation of “oh, it’s hard” or “things are too busy” or “well, even though things are tough right now, I’m pushing through.” Now, I’m not being critical, as I totally understand how life can be. In fact, there have been some seasons of my life that have been busy enough to keep three different people’s calendars full.

    But life isn’t just all about getting things done. If we’re not cautious, we can forget the things that matter most in life. Enjoying a sunset, looking at our spouse in the eyes and memorizing every last detail of the beauty God put in them, or taking a moment to laugh about the smallest thing with our child. These are the things that matter in life. Not the bank account balance, the list of chores around the house, or who won the last election. Don’t get me wrong, those things certainly hold some importance, but if we don’t watch it, they can get in the way of the joy that is supposed to be flowing freely in our lives.

    Philippians 4:4 says, “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!” How can we do that? Verses 6-7 go on to give us a hint, saying, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” I have found that it is so much easier to rejoice in the Lord when we refuse to allow the cares of life to get in the way. When we focus on the situations and circumstances of life that may be hard or problematic, we can’t focus on the One who is always the answer. This can make us think that times of rejoicing or seasons of joy come and go. However, the reality is that we believers rejoice in the Lord, and since He never leaves us or forsakes us, we can always rejoice!

    When I say we can always rejoice in the Lord, I truly mean it. Don’t fall into the trap of confusing happiness with joy. Happiness is an emotion that is fickle and is often dependent on your current circumstances. But joy is a spiritual force that operates independently of your circumstances and is always at the ready to flow from your reborn spirit. This is why Nehemiah 8:10 says that the joy of the Lord is your strength. This joy doesn’t originate from you, it’s from the Lord, which is another reason we rejoice in Him!

    Don’t ever forget your first love. Psalm 51:12 says, “Restore to me the joy of Your salvation.” When it comes down to it, this is the key for rejoicing. I learned a long time ago that in order to rejoice, you need to have first “joyced”. I know that’s not a real word, but I think you get the point. When you remember the joy that flooded your heart when Jesus redeemed you and saved your life from destruction, you can easily rejoice. So, allow yourself to regularly revisit that place. Meditate on it. Thank God for it. And as you do, you will find yourself rejoicing in the Lord always!


    Pastor Anthony

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