What Happened to Those "Friends"

    Apr 19, 2024 | by Diana Wade

    Proverbs 18:24 in the King James Version says, "A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.”

    I have a wonderful brother and sister-in-love. We have gone through many situations in life with the love of God guiding our decisions. I have also had many friends during the seven and a half decades of my life. Some have stayed, some have left, and some of you I enjoy seeing every Sunday. You are a blessing to me!

    About forty years ago we were hosting a home group in Lebanon for our church. There was someone who attended every week. He was involved in our church in the music department. I distinctly remember his standing in our hall and telling Pastor Gary he would be our “friend” for life—nothing would deter him. I was on staff at church, and the next week he called me and practically begged me to go against the pastor on the way we did church music. I told him I would NEVER do that and to never ask me anything like that again. He never returned to our home group, and he left the church shortly thereafter.


    Someone once said, "If you have two friends in your lifetime, you're lucky. If you have one good friend, you're MORE than lucky." Now, I don’t believe in luck, but you can see the meaning behind this quote. If you have lived longer than a couple of decades I am sure you’ve been disappointed in how some have treated you. Of course we believe the best of people and show them love, but there are times it seems they try to hurt you anyway.

    You must be thinking, "So, what's your point, Pastor Diana?" My point is -- IT DOESN'T MATTER! None of these things matter in the view of eternity.

    In Acts 20:24, King James Version, Paul said, “But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.”

    Oh, that wonderful, amazing GRACE—the power to walk through life knowing WHO that friend is that sticks closer than a brother! Those times when you weep for your parents by their grave, you weep for joy when you hold that baby after laboring to bring him into the world, you weep when that engagement ring is put on your hand, and you weep when you see the loves of your life hurting for any reason. Actually, I am weeping right now just thinking about some of those times. 


    I was standing in my mother’s kitchen about 3 in the morning one night calling out to the Lord for direction in a very private matter when Jesus comforted me with the full knowledge that He “would NEVER leave me or forsake me”. He told us that in Hebrews 13:5. Read it in many translations. It is so true—and encouraging!

    Sometimes I was sad through the years when I graduated from different schools because I was leaving my friends. Friends come in many shapes, sizes, and personalities. Some of my friends live many miles from me. I was happy to reconnect with them on Facebook after 40 or so years. Some of my friends are from high school I see about every 5 years at a reunion. Some are relatives whom I cherish. The most important ones are my husband, son, daughter-in-love, grandchildren, and YOU! You are the ones I see every week, and because of that I thank Jesus for bringing you into my life. When I quit writing today (and that’s soon), please remember this:

    “Jesus REALLY is Lord, and you REALLY are complete in Him! 

    He adores you and will never leave you. He is always there to comfort you, direct your paths, to place desires in your life, and then to provide the answer to those desires. Go to sleep tonight being fully persuaded of this, “I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.” Psalm 37:25 KJV  

    That’s the truth in your life when Jesus is your ”friend that sticks closer than a brother”. Be encouraged today in that knowledge!

    Love you so…

    Pastor Diana

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