
    God Remembers
    02.03.23 | Articles | by Joel Jacobs

    There are a lot of ways believers can describe what the Bible is. Probably something along the lines of ‘a collection of historical books and letters’ or ‘God’s recorded word’. Even as you are reading this you may be...

      Watch Your Mouth
      01.30.23 | Articles | by Anthony Wade

      I’m fat. I’m ugly. I can’t believe that. My dad told me that I would never amount to anything and, boy, was he right! There is no way that God could ever love me or use me for His Kingdom after I did that. Have you ever heard...

        Has Your Heart Become Dull?
        09.26.22 | Articles | by Joel Jacobs

        Do you ever think about how in-depth God’s written Word is? How you can read the same historical accounts from the Bible multiple times, over many years, and then all the sudden He shows you something you never noticed before? It’s...

          Love and Live Like Jesus
          09.09.22 | Articles | by Anthony Wade

          There are so many instructions that the Bible has for the believer. 2 Timothy 3:16 says that part of the purpose for the Word of God in our life is so that we can have proper “instruction in righteousness.” If you are a...

            Knowledge vs Wisdom
            02.22.22 | Articles | by Joel Jacobs

            Unfortunately, many confuse having “knowledge” as having “wisdom.” These two things are not the same, BUT they do work together. Knowledge centers around knowing facts and information. However, wisdom is the application of...

              No More Crumby Days
              07.10.20 | Faith | Family Life | Healing | by Anthony Wade

              Boy, do I ever love my kids!  It is hard to put into words just how much I love them.  When I think back on the memories we have shared, joy absolutely floods my heart.  Being able to hold them for the first time in the...

                What Are You Looking At?
                04.14.20 | Hope | Righteousness | Light | by Anthony Wade

                There are so many things in this world that are competing for our attention.  TV ads, YouTube playlists, trending topics on social media, and self-help books and articles are everywhere and they are looking to gain entrance into your...

                  The Gospel of Christ
                  03.09.20 | Grace | Salvation | Anointing | by Anthony Wade

                  There are many passages of scripture that the masses can readily quote.  One of the most well-known verses in the entire Bible is Romans 1:16.  It says, in part, that “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power...

                    Man’s Greatest Need
                    02.12.20 | Peace | Righteousness | Salvation | by Anthony Wade

                    Man sure does have a lot of needs.  A simple start to the list would be air, water, food, sleep, clothes, heat, family, love, affection, freedom, money, relationships, shelter, health, purpose, stability, order, protection, identity, and...
