
    07.28.23 | Articles | by Diana Wade

    Two weeks ago Pastor Gary and I celebrated our 49th wedding anniversary. We love July, our “anniversary month”. Those of you who have facebook know that “memories” of things you have previously posted pop up...

      Don't GROW Weary
      07.21.23 | Articles | by Anthony Wade

      Have you ever felt discouraged and wanted to give up? Sometimes it can be disappointing to see Christian brothers and sisters around you who may not treat you like the Word teaches. Maybe you have been putting the Lord first and trusting Him to...

        Inheritance of Authority
        06.23.23 | Articles | by Jennifer Wade

        The Word of God tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold the new has come.” As new creations, we have been put into a position of power and...

          Get Rid of Your Frogs TODAY!
          05.26.23 | Articles | by Diana Wade

          Lately I have been thinking about the story of Moses and Pharaoh. As you know, God told Moses to give Pharaoh many chances for him to allow His people to leave Egypt. Pharaoh kept saying no, and that resulted in ten plagues that came upon...

            05.19.23 | Articles | by Joel Jacobs

            Pastor Candice and I recently used our old high school yearbooks for a lesson demonstration with the youth at church. It got me looking back through my senior year scanning over my classmate’s pictures. The pictures helped resurface my...

              Circle of Integrity
              05.05.23 | Articles | by Anthony Wade

              Recently, I read a statement that really hit me. It said, “Surround yourself with people who will fight for you in rooms you aren’t in.” When I read that simple statement, several things hit me all at once. First, I immediately...

                Strengthen Your Spirit
                04.21.23 | Articles | by Jennifer Wade

                There are many misconceptions that believers have. One of the biggest and most impactful is the thought that believers are immune to weakness. As a matter of fact, as long as you live on this earth, you will have a weakness. What is...

                  Get Uncomfortable
                  03.31.23 | Articles | by Joel Jacobs

                  Many of you are aware of the recent mission trip to Yucatan, Mexico I was blessed to be a part of. It’s a week that has marked my life forever, and not just that I will always remember it. There are a lot of significant life events that we...

                    Cleaning Your Filter
                    03.28.23 | Articles | by Diana Wade

                    Pastor Anthony often speaks of everyone having a different mental "filter". A good definition of filter would be "the total of all the input of your entire life”. Examples of this could be that today your grandchildren were on a plane to...

                      God Favors You
                      03.10.23 | Articles | by Jennifer Wade

                      Webster’s dictionary defines favor as “friendly regard shown toward another especially by a superior.” The truth is that favor will change your life! You have been given the ability to access God’s favor in your...
