
    Willing and Obedient
    04.26.24 | Articles | by Anthony Wade

    It is such a blessing to know that we have a covenant with God. He is so faithful to His Word, and I truly cannot imagine where I would be or what my life would have become by now if it weren’t for His goodness. Speaking of goodness, I was...

      What Happened to Those "Friends"
      04.19.24 | Articles | by Diana Wade

      Proverbs 18:24 in the King James Version says, "A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” I have a wonderful brother and sister-in-love. We have gone through many...

        Live Heaven on Earth
        04.12.24 | Articles | by Jennifer Wade

        Today, I want to take all of you more mature Christians back to Kids Church! I taught a lesson not too long ago on walking in the power of the spirit. I walked into a room of Faith Kids dressed in a cape and a superhero mask. Yes...

          Unlimited Data Plan
          04.05.24 | Articles | by Joel Jacobs

          No matter your age, we all have reasons why we are glad to be a part of our particular generation, and I’m very grateful I was born in the time that I was. I fall into the generation affectionately known as “Xennials.&rdquo...

            Looking Unto Jesus
            03.29.24 | Articles | by Diana Wade

            There is a song that I wrote in 1976. At that time, I was working as a counselor in Juvenile Court. I was also expecting a baby, and some things in the world around me did not look promising. It’s called “A Song About...

              You Are Not Alone
              03.22.24 | Articles | by Jennifer Wade

              The last couple of months have not been the easiest. There have been times I felt alone and times I felt used by people who I thought loved me. About 6 weeks ago, I was sitting at a traffic light after dropping Anniston and Avery off at...

                Beware the Ides of March
                03.15.24 | Articles | by Anthony Wade

                Okay, I’ll admit the title for today was meant to see if you paid attention in your tenth-grade English class. My friends and I may have been the ones who tried to get the teacher off topic during those lectures on Shakespeare. Oh, what...

                  People Are Weird...
                  03.08.24 | Articles | by Joel Jacobs

                  People Are Weird Weird (adj)- of strange or extraordinary character. Synonyms- bizarre, crazy, erratic, off-the-wall, quirky. Maybe as you were reading that first sentence you already have one or more people in your mind that fit that...

                    Safe and Secure
                    02.23.24 | Articles | by Anthony Wade

                    There is something about a safe place. A strong place. A place that isn’t moved by the storms of life. Steady. Reliable. Immovable. I guess the picture I have in my head as I write this is like a storm shelter or some sort of safe house. A...

                      Waiting Confidently
                      02.02.24 | Articles | by Anthony Wade

                      There is a very familiar verse that has been coming up in my spirit for a while now. I would quote it to myself, be thankful for it, and sort of go on about my day. This kept happening over a little stretch of time and, finally, I knew that there...
