
    It’s Time to Trade Up
    11.18.19 | Healing | Righteousness | Salvation | by Anthony Wade

    I would venture to say that each and every one of us has made a trade at one point or another in our lives.  Most of the time, if you are going to make some sort of trade, it is pretty safe to say that the goal is to benefit from that...

      Frame Your World
      11.07.19 | Family Life | Relationships | The Word | by Anthony Wade

      If you have received Jesus Christ as your savior and made Him the Lord of your life, you have begun a marvelous journey.  The path you are on will lead you to some amazing destinations along the way and will ultimately lead you to the...

        Respond in Faith
        10.31.19 | Faith | Hope | Peace | by Anthony Wade

        Wouldn’t it be nice if you could sit down today and plan out the next 10, 20, or even 30 years or more of your life?  Think about it for a moment.  It would be so easy if you could just know where you were going to live, which...

          You Can Be Sure of It
          10.24.19 | Faith | Hope | The Word | by Anthony Wade

          What is faith?  Have you ever sat down and analyzed your mental picture of faith?  Have you examined not only what you think of faith, but more importantly, how you have grasped a hold of it in your spirit? Most people seem to travel...

            Who Do You Think You Are?
            09.24.19 | Grace | Peace | Righteousness | by Anthony Wade

            Who do you think you are?  That is a question you have probably heard at one time or another in your life.  Maybe you set out to do something that you had never attempted before and your mom or dad hit you with it.  Perhaps you...

              Stay Out of the Ditch
              09.11.19 | Faith | Grace | The Word | by Anthony Wade

              When I was sixteen years old and had only been driving for about six or seven months, I learned a huge lesson that I will never forget.  My hometown in Southwestern Ohio got one of the biggest snow and ice storms that I had ever seen. ...

                The Authority of the Word
                09.03.19 | Faith | Hope | The Word | by Anthony Wade

                Have you ever felt like you didn’t know which end was up?  Have you ever looked at a finish line that seemed to be so far out there that you couldn’t even figure out where the starting line was?  If so, you are not...
